So, I'd like to just take the time right here to say "Fuck LiveJournal. Fuck it right in the ear!"
Presently, I am unable to access my LiveJournal. I've kinda forgotten the password. Mostly because back when I got my LJ, the fucking password had to be 80-million characters long and contain 500-thousand numbers and all that shit. I hate when sites give you rules about your password. Fuckers. I especially can't stand when they have a 'minimum character' restriction for passwords. "Password must be at least 12 characters long" and shit like that. Who the fuck are you, website of shit, to tell me what I can and can't have as a password? I choose to take responsibility for my own word of passage, thank you. If I want it to be one character, that's my own stupid problem. It's not like that makes it any easier to figure out. Fuck, it'll make it hard, since nobody would think you'd have a one character password (unless of course they were using a machine/software, in which case it's just a matter of time, no matter how long your password is). The funniest thing, too, is that it's always completely useless sites like LiveJournal or BeSonic that force you to have a password of at least a certain length with at least a certain amount of numbers, while my bank password only has to be longer than three characters and no more than ten. Simple. And that's protecting something people actually want to have access to. Fucking funny.
So, trying to figure out the password, I keep getting fucked by the IP ban for 'failing' too many times to get the correct password. Once again, I don't think even my bank takes these kinds of precautions, and they're actually fucking useful for something.
I wrote on the message boards and even appealed to the site admins with my hideous dilemma: I can't have the password e-mailed to my account because the client that hosted the account I signed up with NO LONGER FUCKING EXISTS. All both of them did was send back to me a link to the FAQ with the standard, pre-fab fucking message saying to click the 'forgot your password?" link and retrieve it from the e-mail account I signed up to the site with. Fucking. Assholes. They never even answered any of my fucking questions. I know they're busy, but they're obviously not too busy to finger and eat their own fucking assholes all day.
I don't wish too much specific harm on too many specific people, but I sure hope whoever is responsible for running LiveJournal, and whoever was ultimately responsible for coming up with and implementing the IP ban system and the 'character minimum' password requirements, totally all get run into by a motorcycle as they try to cross a busy New York intersection. A motorcycle being driven by the asshole forum moderator of the LiveJournal message board. Then they all catch on fire.