Who Does J0E really want for president? Part 5
1. Dinosaur Doug
2. Bill Dodge
3. John Wozniak
4. Pat Kilbane
Found my Boss 'Hyper Metal' HM-3 pedal yesterday. I guess it didn't get stolen, although I never remember bringing it back home or hiding it away in a box in my attic. Crazy. I haven't been able to use it yet because I gave my extra cord to a friend thinking I wouldn't need it yet. D'oh. Also found my ghetto midi-sampler, but not my kick-ass midi controller/sequencer. The sampler only has three octaves to it, and it sounds really really strange, but still, it's pretty cool that at least a few things didn't get stolen. I think I'm going to pick up a new cord tomorrow and see if this thing works. I mean, it 'works' as in 'it turns on', but I wonder if it still makes sound. It's been so long since I've used it, I hope it's not broken or anything. That'd suck. I mean, it's rare now and I'm a fan of it. Everyone's been telling me to 'get an MT-2 or a DS-1 instead' (not even 'in addition to', the assholes), but I don't know, I like this thing...
Other than that, nothing...