I have gathered from interactions with people and reading reviews and whatnot that I seem to be of a very select few that 'get' what Travis Morrison is doing on the Travistan album. I am of an even more select few that actually enjoy it. Most Plan fans are quite angry at him. I hope he's quite angry at most Plan fans. The ones I talked to were all expecting to hear a recreation of the D-Plan. Instead, it's a more 'folky', minimalist approach. Not to say there's not a ton of stuff going on here, but he was right to say it compares to The Beatles 'White Album': it's a departure. One most Plan fans didn't want to take. Cries of "He butchered 'Born in 72'!" were quite common when he released the MP3 on his site about a year ago. "I hope this isn't what his album is going to be like..." was another one. Well, it wasn't. It didn't seem to help that the rest of the album is different, though, because as a whole,
the album is 'different'. I'm sure many Plan fans herald "Change" (a nod to the last new D-Plan album of the same name, most likely) as a sign that he's 'still got it', it being that Plan vibe. I think that's a bit misleading. I personally think that song was either intentionally written as an 'homage' or it was written shortly after the end of The Plan. Sure, he's still got what made The Plan so unique, but come on, we know he burnt himself out on it. It's not like the Plan 'broke-up' because of in-fights or bad blood, they just exhausted their avenue. It happens. He's not going to be putting out much Plan like stuff because he's most likely sick of it. He's not 'moving on' so much as he 'already has moved on'. He's not intentionally straying from sounding like The Plan, he just doesn't. I understand that it's hard to accept, because it means that The Plan really is 'over', but that's how it is. You have to let go. Admonishing him because he has the ability to move on isn't going to get you anywhere...